Saturday, July 14, 2007

Pictures as Promised

It's time for pictures from our trip to North Carolina! In random order are family, friends and some additional wedding (yes OUR wedding) pictures from Bill...

Here's the family BBQ'ing for the 4th of July...

And here's a wedding picture Bill took back in May '06...

Another wedding picture, taken by Bill just after the ceremony...

This is Heidi and Rob comparing Bellies :-)

Maw-maw and Paw-paw Humphries on one hot day in North Carolina...

Captain Rob, Bill and Marc smile big...

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Can it really be July already?

Yes... it's been far too long since I checked in with blog-land. What have we been up to?

We had a wonderful and relaxing trip to North Carolina where we visited the Humphries clan. I saw my first lightning bug (yep- they don't "grow" in Oregon!), got lucky with fairly "cool" southern weather, and spent some quality time eating crab legs with friends. (This was Rob's first experience with Alaskan King Crab Legs too... makes sense that we had easier access in Oregon to those, despite being deprived of lightning bugs!) Once I take a moment to download pictures- I'll post a few here.

Sampson (the dog) is on the mend. His back surgery went off without any complications, Rob built him a handy handicap ramp for the front yard, and he looks awfully cute in the bright green polo the vet gave him (to cover the scar down his spine). All I can say there is "He is the bionic dog... we had the technology... we DID rebuild him."

Our little baby boy is busy moving around in my belly. The unreal energy I had at the beginning of the second trimester has now converted to a NEED to organize and clean every last nook and drawer in our house.

And... Laurel is all signed up for the NYC Marathon (YEAH Laurel!!). She's also running for a wonderful, wonderful cause. Check out her blog for more information on how to donate, if you feel so inclined. :-)

We're also thinking of our dear friend Jaimee as she studies her little behind off for the Bar!!

To close, in my never-ending quest for perspective, check out this website. :-)