Monday, January 21, 2008

More Cute Bryson Pictures

Bryson is such a smiley baby we just love to take his picture. He recently got a new Jumparoo and that's given him even more reasons to smile (he LOVES that blue frog)! You can also see that, though he's growing very fast, Dad's baseball caps are a bit big for him.

Mom's still working on getting used to daycare, but Bryson is all acclimated. He is always smiling and enjoying the other kids when I get there. It was 5 degrees (yes, you read that correctly!) when I picked him up today... and he kept smiling.

AND, next month will bring Bryson's very first plane trip when we travel to NC to meet the whole Humphries clan. Let's hope the other passengers on the plane get to see the smiley Bryson! :-)

1 comment:

Elin Ulrich said...

Check out this album for more cute pictures of Bryson with the whole Humphries clan.