Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Starting a Blog and Writing Books

Word for the day: enumerate (to count or list), transitive verb

I think starting a blog is like trying to start a book. Even though I once possessed at least 40 story beginnings on an old hard drive, not one of them seemed worthy of continuing thought, effort and patience at the keyboard. Just how do you start writing and hope that what you have to say will 1) be coherent, 2) be more interesting than a cheap tabloid, and 3) be WORTHY of reading for more than three seconds.

Let's enumerate the reason for blogging, at least for writing in THIS blog. (Yep- there's the word for the day. I've returned to an old college trick for writing: think of a word for the day and let it guide you. This worked well for essay writing too.) Here's my initial list of reasons we started this blog:

1. It's an easy way to keep in touch with friends and family, without sending short and pointless emails that invariably follow this outline--> a) How are you?, b) I am [fill in the adjective], c) Here's why I am [fill in the adjective], and d) We really should get together/talk/phone/write more soon.

2. It's a better way to share pictures than either filling up limited email space or posting on websites that require membership and create more spam mail.

3. It's somewhat like sharing and reading a story... or am I being too hopeful?

4. It's ????

Okay- so the number one reason I liked the idea of a blog was #3. I want life to be a story because stories have interest and meaning and spark. And why wouldn't we want all that in our lives? Sure this blog has the obligatory wedding and cute pet start-up photos... but I hope we can also move onto to other, adventuresome chapters :-)

October 17th--> The first day of snow in Broomfield!

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